How to get family photos without stress or posing, but with most honest storys that show your life

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A few facts about my experience

Familyphotographer since 2019

Winning 8 international Photo-Awards​

110+ Familys have been photographed by me​

That's what my customers say:

I can recommend photo sessions with Karin to any family because it is very uncomplicated and relaxed, and you can see that in the photos! (…) The result is a lively documentation of our day, which we will enjoy looking at often.

I can only recommend Karin to EVERYONE who wants beautiful, professional, and expressive pictures that capture and preserve every special moment for eternity. Karin works with such calmness and composure that you can't help but feel comfortable. We certainly haven't booked her for pictures for the last time 💜💜 Thank you very much.

Karins devotion for her work is remarkable. You see her passion for moments in every photo and also in her mindful way of talking to her customers.

Why the heck am I in Tromsø?

This is the easy and most special reason: I am visiting my friend Fenja who lives in Tromsø. I am so happy to see her and her beautiful family again, soon!

But there is more: As a documentary photographer my joy is showing families how perfect they are in their own ways. How cool would that be now, if I could do this for you?!

I have never photographed a family in Tromsø before (besides my friends). But I would love to do this so much! (Maybe even regulary, because why not combine visiting one of my favorite persons in the whole world with fun family photo sessions?!)

You might now think: Can she even speak norwegian? And the answer is: No, unfortunately not. BUT: I have gotten really good at reading people and situations. And I would love to meet you and your family. I learn so much during every photo session. 

Let me show you everything I see in your family – the love, the conflicts, the solutions, the taking care…

This is me and my family. Most of my free time is for my family, my husband Tobias and our two kids (8 and 6 years). We like to go swimming and sometimes in summer my son and I take little tours – he rides his bike and I go by inliners. We also play Siedlers of Catan and enjoy UNO. To do one of those things at least once a week together is really important for me. Photo by: Anna Meyer-Kahlen

What you get, when you book a documentary family session with me:

Family photos without stress

Yes, you read right! Because I do not ask you to pose or give other instructions, family life can be as it is – sometimes easy, sometimes not. You literally just open your door for me. No need to wear your best dress or have your kids in matching outfits. Please, also don`t feel the urge to have a superclean and tidy house. It is simply not nessesary. 

Mindful way of photographing

I will just come along with you during your session – it doesn`t really matter, whether you decide to stay home or if you want to go outside. You just are together as a family – a family that goes through different phases. With different feelings, needs and routines as your kids grow.

2-3 hours photosession

Because I don`t mess with your plans, we just go, with whatever you want to do in your free time. That also means any emotions are allowed. They are all part of your family story.

International photo awards

Documentary family photography is all about stories. Every picture contains a little story. I am so happy, that my photos won different photo awards in 2022 and 2023:

1 Family Story Award, This is Reportage Family, Collection 17 2023
2 Best Family Collection Award 18/2023, Inspiration Family
Honorable Mention “Rainbow Baby”, Best Family Collection Award 17/2023
5 Inspiration Awards (Family Awards 32/2022)

Continuing education

I have a high expectations about my own work. I think photography is a craft that gives so many opportunities to continue learning. That is part of what I love about my work – beside your stories.

No hidden kosts

I want you to know exactly what you invest in your family story. Therefore you will get all the infos about prices during our call.

I recommend, that everyone who decides about this investment is included in our call. Usually that means both partners. If this is a present for your family and you want to talk alone, that is okay, too.

After our call, I will send you a PDF with your possible investments after our photo session. 

How to get your family story

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Zoom-Call with Karin

Have a zoom-call with me and ask all your questions.

Book your session

... and really just open the door, when the day comes.